Source code for docutils.writers.html5_polyglot

# .. coding: utf8
# $Id: 8041 2017-03-01 11:02:33Z milde $
# :Author: Günter Milde <>
#          Based on the html4css1 writer by David Goodger.
# :Maintainer:
# :Copyright: © 2005, 2009, 2015 Günter Milde,
#             portions from html4css1 © David Goodger.
# :License: Released under the terms of the `2-Clause BSD license`_, in short:
#    Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification,
#    are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright
#    notice and this notice are preserved.
#    This file is offered as-is, without any warranty.
# .. _2-Clause BSD license:

# Use "best practice" as recommended by the W3C:

Plain HyperText Markup Language document tree Writer.

The output conforms to the `HTML5` specification.

The cascading style sheet "minimal.css" is required for proper viewing,
the style sheet "plain.css" improves reading experience.
__docformat__ = 'reStructuredText'

import os.path
import docutils
from docutils import frontend, nodes, writers, io
from docutils.transforms import writer_aux
from docutils.writers import _html_base

[docs]class Writer(writers._html_base.Writer): supported = ('html', 'html5', 'html4', 'xhtml', 'xhtml10') """Formats this writer supports.""" default_stylesheets = ['minimal.css','plain.css'] default_stylesheet_dirs = ['.', os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))] default_template = 'template.txt' default_template_path = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), default_template) settings_spec = ( 'HTML-Specific Options', None, (('Specify the template file (UTF-8 encoded). Default is "%s".' % default_template_path, ['--template'], {'default': default_template_path, 'metavar': '<file>'}), ('Comma separated list of stylesheet URLs. ' 'Overrides previous --stylesheet and --stylesheet-path settings.', ['--stylesheet'], {'metavar': '<URL[,URL,...]>', 'overrides': 'stylesheet_path', 'validator': frontend.validate_comma_separated_list}), ('Comma separated list of stylesheet paths. ' 'Relative paths are expanded if a matching file is found in ' 'the --stylesheet-dirs. With --link-stylesheet, ' 'the path is rewritten relative to the output HTML file. ' 'Default: "%s"' % ','.join(default_stylesheets), ['--stylesheet-path'], {'metavar': '<file[,file,...]>', 'overrides': 'stylesheet', 'validator': frontend.validate_comma_separated_list, 'default': default_stylesheets}), ('Embed the stylesheet(s) in the output HTML file. The stylesheet ' 'files must be accessible during processing. This is the default.', ['--embed-stylesheet'], {'default': 1, 'action': 'store_true', 'validator': frontend.validate_boolean}), ('Link to the stylesheet(s) in the output HTML file. ' 'Default: embed stylesheets.', ['--link-stylesheet'], {'dest': 'embed_stylesheet', 'action': 'store_false'}), ('Comma-separated list of directories where stylesheets are found. ' 'Used by --stylesheet-path when expanding relative path arguments. ' 'Default: "%s"' % default_stylesheet_dirs, ['--stylesheet-dirs'], {'metavar': '<dir[,dir,...]>', 'validator': frontend.validate_comma_separated_list, 'default': default_stylesheet_dirs}), ('Specify the initial header level. Default is 1 for "<h1>". ' 'Does not affect document title & subtitle (see --no-doc-title).', ['--initial-header-level'], {'choices': '1 2 3 4 5 6'.split(), 'default': '1', 'metavar': '<level>'}), ('Format for footnote references: one of "superscript" or ' '"brackets". Default is "brackets".', ['--footnote-references'], {'choices': ['superscript', 'brackets'], 'default': 'brackets', 'metavar': '<format>', 'overrides': 'trim_footnote_reference_space'}), ('Format for block quote attributions: one of "dash" (em-dash ' 'prefix), "parentheses"/"parens", or "none". Default is "dash".', ['--attribution'], {'choices': ['dash', 'parentheses', 'parens', 'none'], 'default': 'dash', 'metavar': '<format>'}), ('Remove extra vertical whitespace between items of "simple" bullet ' 'lists and enumerated lists. Default: enabled.', ['--compact-lists'], {'default': True, 'action': 'store_true', 'validator': frontend.validate_boolean}), ('Disable compact simple bullet and enumerated lists.', ['--no-compact-lists'], {'dest': 'compact_lists', 'action': 'store_false'}), ('Remove extra vertical whitespace between items of simple field ' 'lists. Default: enabled.', ['--compact-field-lists'], {'default': True, 'action': 'store_true', 'validator': frontend.validate_boolean}), ('Disable compact simple field lists.', ['--no-compact-field-lists'], {'dest': 'compact_field_lists', 'action': 'store_false'}), ('Added to standard table classes. ' 'Defined styles: borderless, booktabs, ' 'align-left, align-center, align-right, colwidths-auto. ' 'Default: ""', ['--table-style'], {'default': ''}), ('Math output format (one of "MathML", "HTML", "MathJax", ' 'or "LaTeX") and option(s). ' 'Default: "HTML math.css"', ['--math-output'], {'default': 'HTML math.css'}), ('Prepend an XML declaration. (Thwarts HTML5 conformance.) ' 'Default: False', ['--xml-declaration'], {'default': False, 'action': 'store_true', 'validator': frontend.validate_boolean}), ('Omit the XML declaration.', ['--no-xml-declaration'], {'dest': 'xml_declaration', 'action': 'store_false'}), ('Obfuscate email addresses to confuse harvesters while still ' 'keeping email links usable with standards-compliant browsers.', ['--cloak-email-addresses'], {'action': 'store_true', 'validator': frontend.validate_boolean}),)) config_section = 'html5 writer' def __init__(self): = {} self.translator_class = HTMLTranslator
[docs]class HTMLTranslator(writers._html_base.HTMLTranslator): """ This writer generates `polyglot markup`: HTML5 that is also valid XML. Safe subclassing: when overriding, treat ``visit_*`` and ``depart_*`` methods as a unit to prevent breaks due to internal changes. See the docstring of docutils.writers._html_base.HTMLTranslator for details and examples. """ # <acronym> tag not supported in HTML5. Use the <abbr> tag instead.
[docs] def visit_acronym(self, node): # @@@ implementation incomplete ("title" attribute) self.body.append(self.starttag(node, 'abbr', ''))
[docs] def depart_acronym(self, node): self.body.append('</abbr>')
# no meta tag in HTML5
[docs] def visit_authors(self, node): self.visit_docinfo_item(node, 'authors', meta=False)
[docs] def depart_authors(self, node): self.depart_docinfo_item()
# no meta tag in HTML5 # no meta tag in HTML5
[docs] def visit_date(self, node): self.visit_docinfo_item(node, 'date', meta=False)
[docs] def depart_date(self, node): self.depart_docinfo_item()
# TODO: use HTML5 <footer> element? # def visit_footer(self, node): # def depart_footer(self, node): # TODO: use the new HTML5 element <aside>? (Also for footnote text) # def visit_footnote(self, node): # def depart_footnote(self, node): # Meta tags: 'lang' attribute replaced by 'xml:lang' in XHTML 1.1 # HTML5/polyglot recommends using both
[docs] def visit_meta(self, node): if node.hasattr('lang'): node['xml:lang'] = node['lang'] # del(node['lang']) meta = self.emptytag(node, 'meta', **node.non_default_attributes()) self.add_meta(meta)
[docs] def depart_meta(self, node): pass
# no meta tag in HTML5
[docs] def visit_organization(self, node): self.visit_docinfo_item(node, 'organization', meta=False)
[docs] def depart_organization(self, node): self.depart_docinfo_item()
# TODO: use the new HTML5 element <section>? # def visit_section(self, node): # def depart_section(self, node): # TODO: use the new HTML5 element <aside>? # def visit_topic(self, node): # def depart_topic(self, node):