Source code for docutils.transforms.writer_aux

# $Id: 7808 2015-02-27 17:03:32Z milde $
# Author: Lea Wiemann <>
# Copyright: This module has been placed in the public domain.

Auxiliary transforms mainly to be used by Writer components.

This module is called "writer_aux" because otherwise there would be
conflicting imports like this one::

    from docutils import writers
    from docutils.transforms import writers

__docformat__ = 'reStructuredText'

from docutils import nodes, utils, languages
from docutils.transforms import Transform

[docs]class Compound(Transform): """ Flatten all compound paragraphs. For example, transform :: <compound> <paragraph> <literal_block> <paragraph> into :: <paragraph> <literal_block classes="continued"> <paragraph classes="continued"> """ default_priority = 910
[docs] def apply(self): for compound in self.document.traverse(nodes.compound): first_child = True for child in compound: if first_child: if not isinstance(child, nodes.Invisible): first_child = False else: child['classes'].append('continued') # Substitute children for compound. compound.replace_self(compound[:])
[docs]class Admonitions(Transform): """ Transform specific admonitions, like this: <note> <paragraph> Note contents ... into generic admonitions, like this:: <admonition classes="note"> <title> Note <paragraph> Note contents ... The admonition title is localized. """ default_priority = 920
[docs] def apply(self): language = languages.get_language(self.document.settings.language_code, self.document.reporter) for node in self.document.traverse(nodes.Admonition): node_name = node.__class__.__name__ # Set class, so that we know what node this admonition came from. node['classes'].append(node_name) if not isinstance(node, nodes.admonition): # Specific admonition. Transform into a generic admonition. admonition = nodes.admonition(node.rawsource, *node.children, **node.attributes) title = nodes.title('', language.labels[node_name]) admonition.insert(0, title) node.replace_self(admonition)